Remind 101

Thursday, October 31, 2013

TAG Information Meeting

TAG Referral Information Meeting
Thursday, Nov. 7th
Kathy Caraway Library

If you would like information about whether or not to have a child tested, referral procedures, or testing for the Talented and Gifted Program please plan on attending this meeting

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Watch DOGS

The WatchDOGS program is an important part of our school and we're looking for more dads (or step-dads, uncles, grand-dads or older brothers) to be part of this awesome program.   The WatchDOGS dads at Caraway help keep the school safe and provide a positive and active role-model for all students at our school.  Its a great way to get a glimpse of their students' everyday world during school hours and is an EXTREMELY rewarding experience.

The typical WatchDOGS volunteer day will be spent in the kids classrooms, help around the office and library, help monitor lunch and recess and just be a positive male presence in the school.  If you choose to come at the beginning of the day - you and your child will be on the morning KOWL news as well (the kids love being on the news with their dads).

We don't require a huge commitment - come when you can!  An hour or two, a half-day, a full day - whatever works with your schedule.

I bet if you ask your child "Do you want me to be a WatchDOG dad at school?" - the answer will be "Yes….PLEEEEEEEEESE DAD!!!!!"

Please email our Top Dog - or call him at 512-934-1686 to get set up to be part of the WatchDOGS program.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Red Ribbon Week Oct 21-25

Monday: “Sock it to Drugs” day – wear crazy or mismatched socks

Tuesday: “Stomp out Drugs” day - wear tennis shoes

Wednesday: “Boot out Drugs” day – wear boots or western wear

Thursday: “Pledge to be Drug Free” day - wear red, white and blue

Friday: “Say BOO to Drugs” day – wear Halloween colors or t-shirt

Monday, October 14, 2013

October Dates to Remember

October 1, 2013      3rd Grade Program & General PTA Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
October 2, 2013      Spirit Night - Catfish Parlour (5 p.m. - 9 p.m.) 15% of evening sales go to Kathy Caraway PTA
October 9, 2013      International Bake & Walk to School Day
October 10, 2013    Caraway PTA Science Night 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. @ Caraway Elementary
October 14, 2013    No School (student holiday)
October 18, 2013    Annual "HOOT" Caraway Picnic 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. @ Caraway Elementary by the school playground
October 23, 2013    Caraway PTA Family Skate Night 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Playland Skate Center
October 30, 2013    Early Release