Remind 101

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Birthday Books

April is the FINAL month for 2013-14 birthday books!  If you would like to honor your student's birthday (whether it is coming up or if it has passed) while contributing a donation to the Caraway library, this is your last reminder of the year!

Please see the attached file to sign up.  You can also find information and sign up at

Payment will be due at this time so you may sign up online, print the form and fill it out, or come by the library to sign up.  Cash is accepted and checks should be to Caraway Library.

Birthday book donations account for a LARGE part of the funds we use to purchase new books every year!

Thank you so much for supporting the Caraway Library!
Melanie Letendre
Kathy Caraway Elementary
Round Rock ISD

Lost and Found

The weather for the next couple of days is turning colder.  The Caraway Lost and Found is overwhelmed with coats, jackets, gloves, shoes, lunch boxes, drink cups, etc.  We have temporarly moved the Lost & Found by the schools Save & Secure Office.  Please stop by or have your child stop by if they are missing an item.  
Friday, March 7th, unclaimed Lost & Found will be donated to the RRISD Clothes Closet.

Caraway PTA

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Afternoon Safety Concerns

Dear Parents,

Our Caraway leadership team recently shared a safety concern about the buses that arrive at 2:20 on the Oak View side of the school. The issue is that parents who arrive early for afternoon pick-up (anywhere from 2:20 to 2:45) cannot get by the buses and drive counter to the traffic flow to exit the driveway.  This is obviously very unsafe and needs to stop, especially since we have third graders outside at recess during this time period.  

If you are here to pick up your child this early, please park on Oak View or one of the side streets and walk up to school to meet your child. We will also be requesting that district safety officials come and review the traffic flow to see if they can suggest any necessary adjustments in the future. As always, please feel free to call me at 512-464-5504 with any questions or concerns you might have.

Shelly Hohmann 
Principal, Kathy Caraway Elementary 
Round Rock ISD

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Got lights?

Caraway PTA Family Dinner Night 
Decorating Committee 
We are in need of lots of Christmas lights for our decorations for family dinner night.
We can use white lights or colored.
Please make sure your name is tape the lights so they get returned.

 You can start dropping them off now in the PTA room.

Thanks for your help.
Kathleen Jennings & Tammy Busfield

Regional Science Fair!

Fourteen Caraway Elementary students will be representing our school in the Austin Energy Regional Science Festival this Saturday at the Palmer events center, 900 Barton Springs Road in Austin.  The public is invited to attend the “Exploring Science Day” from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM which features science displays, experiments and give-aways for up and coming scientists of all ages.  Nearly 3,000 science fair project will be on display from 2:00 – 4:30 PM and the awards ceremony will take place from 3:00 – 4:30 PM.  The Austin Energy Regional Science Festival awards ceremony is a special event – the master of ceremonies is often a local TV news person.  

Our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students who will be representing Kathy Caraway at the Austin Energy Regional Science Festival are:  Sutej Tapdiya, Maddox Miller, Jackson Price, Donnie Winkelman, Penelope Higdon, Carter Waghorne, Daniel Brown, Aubrey Flores, Raksha Pradeep, Dinah Bray, Andrew Yao, Ashley McShan, Elena VanMetre, and Sai Nikhitha Addanki.

Volunteers Still Needed!

Family Dinner Night
Saturday, March 1, 2014
5:30 and 6:30 seating
We cannot make this event a success without the help of our wonderful parent volunteers. Please take a moment and sign up to lend a hand via the link below:
 **It's Caraway tradition for 5th graders to help with serving food and drinks at Family Dinner Night. If you have a 5th grader, please consider volunteering their time for a one hour shift during the event via the link below:
 If you have questions regarding volunteering for this event, please do not hesitate to contact Asha Ravoori

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Caraway Spirit Night

12th February, 2014 From 11:00am- 9:00pm
12518 Research Blvd# J, Austin TX 78759
Phone: 512-382-1454
(Caraway PTA will get 20% of the Spirit Night Sale)
Please present this flyer on checkout so your school PTA will be benefitted by your purchase.

Monday, February 3, 2014

National Wear Red Day

National Wear Red Day is THIS Friday!
In Honor of Jump Rope for Heart and the American Heart Association, please wear red to school on Friday!  February is National Heart Disease Awareness Month.
*All donations for Jump Rope for Heart are due THIS Friday – February 7, 2014.  Thanks for all your efforts,

Coach Cavazos & Coach Lentz

P.E. February Newsletter

P.E./Wellness Fit-Fun February News:

Marathon Kids…Marathon Kids Running Logs have all been returned and we are anxiously awaiting the Marathon Kids Final Mile Finisher’s Celebration!  Students will complete the final mile on February 22 at AISD, Burger Stadium at 11:00 am!  We hope to see you there.  Please know that parents are more than welcome to run with their children.  All in attendance will receive a Finisher’s Medal!

First Grade P.E. Performance Night: Come join us Tuesday February 4th at 7:00pm for the first grade P.E. program.  This is a chance for our first graders to shine and show some of the skills that we have been enhancing this year.

Jump Rope for Heart –Jump Rope for Heart donations are due February 7, 2014.  There are lots of new thank you gifts and incentives!  Last year Caraway raised $5,244.  We hope to exceed this total for 2014.  The big day is February 7th during PE times!  Please feel free to jump with your children in PE on this day. 

Basketball Shooting ClubFourth and Fifth Grade students are invited to shoot basketball in the gym on Tuesday mornings from 7:15-7:35.  The first basketball shooting club morning will be February 18, 2014.  Permission slips are required.

HEB Nutrition Program – Second grade students will be participating in a Nutrition Program during specials times on February 28, 2014.  Special thanks go to Monica Banks and the HEB at Spicewood Springs and 183 for donating their time and supplies for this exciting new program.

Friday Morning Running Club…is open for all second through fifth graders and their parents. This is a special chance for students and parents to exercise before school. The club will meet every Friday at 7:15am on the track/fire lane.  Your child will need to turn in a Morning Running Club permission slip to participate. Please visit my website for the parent permission letter and more information.  During inclement weather, the running club meets in the gym.

Name That Run! – Our Turkey Trot has been rescheduled for March 21st.  All students are asked to help us “rename our spring run.”  If your child would like to submit a name for our run, please have them turn this in by February 28th.  We will need the following information for each submission –
Student Name
Classroom Teacher
Proposed Name of Run

*Students may submit more than one entry.

Fit Friday Foot Power…Please continue to walk, bike, or ride your scooters every Friday morning.

Upcoming Dates:
Feb. 4 -            First Grade PE Performance
Feb. 7 -            Jump Rope for Heart
Feb. 18 -          First Day of Basketball Shooting Club
Feb. 22 -          Marathon Kids Final Mile Finisher’s Celebration
Feb. 28 -          HEB Nutrition Program for 2nd grade
March 5 –       Kindergarten Hoe Down
March 21 –     Spring Run (Turkey Trot)
April 4 -           Family Fun Night
May 2 -            Field Day – NEW DATE!!!!!!
Yours in Fitness and Health,
Coach Cavazos and Coach Lentz