Remind 101

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pajama Flashlight Party!

Hello Caraway Families,

Next Tuesday night we will be holding our first Pajama Flashlight Literacy Night in the Caraway Library from 6:00-7:30 pm!

Here's how it works: you and your family can come and go any time between 6:00 and 7:30 pm next Tuesday, November 19th in the Caraway Library.

We will have all the lights off in the library and the tables moved aside so everyone can relax and read by flashlight!  While we may have a few larger groups reading together, our hope is that we will have little family/friend groups spread out reading all over the library at the same time.

You may dress in pajamas or bring stuffed animals/pillows if you'd like but the only thing you really need is a flashlight and a love for reading!

You may bring favorite books from home or we will have library books pulled and placed on the tables that you may choose to read.

The goal of this literacy night is to build community around literacy and to remind ourselves and our students that READING IS FUN!

See you there!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

International Festival!

Calling Volunteers for the International Festival

After a couple of years of hiatus, the Caraway International Festival is back!

Save the date for January 22nd, 2014!

The Caraway International Festival will showcase the school’s rich cultural diversity.
We need volunteers to make the festival a success.
If you are interested in volunteering please send an email to

Please also attend the 2 planning meetings at theSpicewood Public Library:
1) Tuesday, November 19th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
2)  Monday, December 9th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm 
Looking forward to a great event!

Thank You,

Hanna Horsey
International Festival Chair

Monday, November 4, 2013


It’s Movember and I'll be growing a moustache to raise funds and awareness for men's health. It's going to be a hairy journey and I want you to be part of it.

Fight for your right to change the face of men’s health, enlist for Movember and JOIN MY TEAMnow.

A moustache is the mark of a man, and today it is a symbol to spark conversations about important health issues. So guys, pledge to grow a Mo today, or ladies, join the team to support my Mo.

Find out more about why you should join me by taking a look at THE CAUSES WE ARE FIGHTING FOR.

Thanks for supporting Gen Mo and helping us change the face of men's health.

United We Mo!

Mr. Sosa

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Want to get reminders about upcoming events at school? In the classroom?
Just text @jessesosa to (469)208-6037
It is completely free and you will receive short text reminders from me straight to your cell phone!

Report Cards!

Our first set of report cards will be going home this week! Please sign one copy and return it in the envelope provided. If you have any questions about your student's grades, feel free to email me.